Carmen Pomar – Cantante, presentatrice. Mp3, video

Carmen Pomar

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Dalla scuola del grande maestro Valli, esordisce negli anni ’60 girando l’Europa con l’orchestra Scaglioni e collaborando con artisti di fama internazionale come Nilla Pizzi, Massimo Ranieri, Gloria Guida. Negli anni ’90 inizia a formare le proprie orchestre, con cui si esibisce per 15 anni dal vivo e in televisione, tra cui le trasmissioni di Paolo Limiti. E’ a sua volta apprezzata presentatrice. Ha in repertorio diversi brani editi dalla Italvox.

From the school of the great master Valli, she debuted in the 60s touring Europe with the orchestra Scaglioni and collaborating with internationally renowned artists like Nilla Pizzi, Massimo Ranieri, Gloria Guida . In the 90 started to form his own orchestras, she performed for 15 years live sections and on television, including famous broadcasts by Paolo Limiti. She’s appreciated anchor lady, too. His repertoire deals with several songs published by Italvox.

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Carmen Pomar

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